Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wine & Nachos

Kurt and I met up last night. We ran into Trish, David & Sam. Got a table for 5 and chatted about stuff, ya stuff. Looking forward to attending one of Kurt's events - so proud of him. We will team up soon enough, Bright Ideas in the works. Anyway, after multiple glasses of wine and and rambling it got pretty late super quick. A work night - not for me though. Better take advantage of it while I can.

Just got an email from the director of the school I'll be teaching at. She asked me for my B.Ed. diploma but I have yet to receive it. My convocation is in a week. 5 hrs to Ottawa one last time to get a piece of paper. I'm eager to see those who will be attending grad but sad many people won't be there. But, as Tony says... he will watch us from Seoul via internet. We'll miss u Tony & Sarah but I will see you both soon enough :)

A whole year gone, so many friendships made... 8 months seemed so long when I left for Ottawa. It flew by. I am guessing another year will fly by too. I am leaving so much behind but I know that when I come back home it will be there waiting as well. Hopefully with open arms.